Xero for Hire Productions
The Xero for Hire Podcast
SO, How 'bout the new Linkin Park?

SO, How 'bout the new Linkin Park?

I wish I didn't have to defend the new Linkin Park, but some of y'all out here hating for weird reasons. I was scrolling through the comment section on the new music video, and reading how many retards are comparing the new singer to Chester. First of all, he's dead. You guys got to get over it. It's been more than 5 years the dude is not coming back. I get it. He's one of my favorite singers of all time and was inspirational to the way that I sang when I was in the rock band.

But I got to tell you, as one of the few people on the planet who can sing and scream at the same time, this new girl has a great voice. I'm not sure what her energy is going to be like but she gives me that early 2000s garbage and whole vibes, something that is reminiscent of the Marilyn Manson years which was a great time for me, and is around the time that Linkin Park came out.

Singing and screaming at the same time requires an incredible amount of control and is really freaking hard to do. I wrecked my throat a few times when I fell out of practice because it's a technique that has to be constantly maintained. Push too hard and you can blow out your vocal cords, leaving yourself without a voice for days or weeks. I remember doing this during the recording of my album Ascension. It was one of the most humbling experiences of my life. Don't push hard enough and your voice cracks on stage in front of everybody. It's embarrassing. It's forgivable, but it also means you have to start a new take if you're recording. So if Emily Armstrong is able to perfect this technique and maintain it, then I say go with God. You have my blessing.

With all that said, Linkin Park has a serious downfall right now.

The song emptiness machine sounds like it was written by chat GPT. It's the most generic crap I've heard come out of them since Chester died, and I'm not going to stand for it. You guys are making a change, taking some bold steps forward, and doing what you love. But you can't be writing retarded generic music. Figure it out or get off the stage!

This has always been one of my favorite bands, and I've loved their music up until Meteora. Everything after Meteora just sounds like bad relationship heroin songs. I mean how many times can you describe having a face on your skin, and why do you keep writing the same songs? But for a while, it was a defining factor of my life about what music could be, and how experimentation can be good. It was an incredible inspiration on how I created art for the next 20 years of my life. Of course I want to see them creating more art and doing well, and above all else, getting back to their roots.

But to all the people who are hating on Linkin Park just to hate on them, do me a favor. Do it for the right reasons! Or go see don't be one of those stupid people who just says the popular thing because it's popular when it's popular! Put some thought into what you're actually saying because saying that Emily Armstrong is a bad singer just sounds retarded. Clearly she's a great singer. I hope she does well.

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Xero for Hire Productions
The Xero for Hire Podcast
**Welcome to the Xero Hour, where I explore news and culture from an irreverent Christian perspective with a focus on divergent thinking. The road less traveled is definitely more interesting. I promise to bring you interesting and thought provoking stories about God, history, science, politics, current events and the occasional random nonsense that my life presents us with. I wanted to start by saying thanks for joining me on this journey. It's going to be a lot of fun.